

俚语 spacebag

space bag

Refers to the bag of wine found within boxes of wine--"box wine". Generally contains about 5 liters of wine and has it's own spout attached (ie. like the brand, Franzia). Since its consistency is obviously very fluid within a clear bag, it looks similar to stereotypical packaged space food meals.
When you go to the liquor store can you just pick me up a handle and space bag for the party?

space bag

An act of revenge, in which one party totally flips their rivals backpack inside out, and puts all their shit back in, only it sucks because their backpack is inside out and filled with shit, and honestly its hard to unzip.
That bitch looked at me wrong, so i spacebagged her. She got a space bag. WOOT

space bagging

The action of taking someone's bag/backpack, taking all of the books/contents out, turning the bag inside out, putting all the books back in, and zipping it shut.
Person 1: Dude, I just space-bagged like five people! I love space bagging!
Person 2: Wow, you're such a super-ninja- space bagger!

Space Bagging

The same concept of Tea Bagging, But in Space. Commonly used in the Map Moon, in Call of Duty: Black Ops: Zombies.
Person 1: Dude I am totally tea bagging this zombie.
Person 2: Nah bro, you're space bagging him.

Space bagging

Taking the bag out of boxed wine, usually resting it on your shoulder, and drinking from the tap like a straw.

When taken out of the box bags of wine look like bags that astronaut meals cone in.

Also a Capri Sun is a virgin space bag.
After space bagging all night Becky was lit.

space bagging

the act of taking a persons backpack/gym bag, removing the contents, turning the bag inside out, then returning the contents. finish off this jerk off trick by zipping the mutant bag closed
looks like Frank is taking a trip to space, i space bagged his gym bag while he was taking a dump" "man i love space bagging Frank

space bagging

when you do a poo. then freeze the length overnight and then use it as a dildo on your favourite girlfriend or boyfriend. not sure how many people would actually get off on this but hey, its what i heard today and figure it needs to be told to the world.
i can't believe i did it, i space bagged lola, she didn't mind either until she took a closer look at what i was jammin her with. i hope she lets me have sex with her again. space bagging its not for me




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