

俚语 spacetard


A contraction of MSN Space Addict and fucktard.

1. A fucktard who is addicted to MSN Spaces.

2. One's innate ability to illustrate extreme dumbassness/bitchiness/retardness, even beyond the scopes of a normal Space Addict and/or fucktard
{Insert Space Name Here} cruised "the Boulvard" on MSN Spaces all day, she is such a Spacetard


A person who shows up at an actual newsworthy space related event (ie a space shuttle landing) dressed up as a science fiction movie character.
Did you see the space shuttle launch today, and that guy they interviewed that was dress up like Spock? What a spacetard.


a person who you hang out with and watch the joss whedon show firefly with then go out and ride your skateboard and she is a pussy so she doesn't go fast enough down the hill then you eat cookies and goldfish in a parking lot and one of you climb up a streetlight then fall cause of how you dropped on the curb then while you guys are talking and making jokes about firefly she does something stupid thusly allowing herself to be called a spacetard

also a stupid tattoo that 2 freinds get together
wow that chick is a spacetard
wow that tattoo is a spacetard




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:49:04