

俚语 spam head


meaning - large forehead
Originated at Parklands Secondary school, Bexley, (UK) in 1970's
On his first day at the school, follically challenged and slightly effiminate French Language Teacher Mr Samuel Pam was powerless to prevent 1,200 boys adopting a new craze of slapping each others foreheads and coining the phrase Spamhead after we saw that he signed his name SPAM on our report cards.
Mr Pam valliantly endured 12 years of this torture before taking early retirement.
Term later went on to be used as a general discription for anyone who committed the cardinal sin of being boffin or acting a "bit gay"
Teacher - "why did you hit Jones?"
Boy A - "Well, he was being a spamhead"
Boy B - "No i'm not he spammed me for nuffink!


A person with a humongous forehead.
Spamhead example- Sarah ''Shnevs'' Nevins


A large forehead, often square shaped.
Dave you have a spamhead!


A stupid middle-aged person. Often balding.
I once worked as a teacher at a school where the headmaster was nicknamed "spamhead" because of his stupidity. The fact that he was bald also helped.


someone with a large forehead large enough to slap
originated in edmonton county school 1978 when some boys thought wat would happen if you put half a tennis ball on some ones forehead and press it against a wall while holding ther arms down for two minutes so they couldnt tear it off ,Result a massive sucked perfectly round love bite with bits of blood that lasted for two weeks and looked just like a slice of spam meat people where running round slaping foreheads for years after and saying spamhead as they did it this spread like wild fire
look at the spamhead on that


A very silly, or annoying person that has no idea what they're talking about, or doing for that matter. The spam refers to the complete crud between their ears (head).
Jon you are such a spamhead, underpants go on the inside!


Someone who is so stupid that they must have a head made entirely of spam
"Did you just check that kettle was boiled by dipping your hand in?you complete Spamhead!"




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