

俚语 spank wangler

Spank Wangler

A term used for an amazingly good looking guy who is unfortunately a bit of a bungalow. For most girls the prospect of dating a Spank Wangler is not too attractive but having a one night stand is almost unavoidable, but kind of like riding a scooter... loads of fun but you wouldn't want your friends to see you.
Bunny: "Hey check out that guy over there, he's a total hotty."
Jane: "Yeah but he's trying to open that car door with his rabbit foot keyring"
Bunny: "Damnit, he's a total Spank Wangler"

spank wangler

Male who is envied by both sexes and is renound as an amazingly athletic lover, men wanna be him, women wanna do him!!
Jane - gosh look at him he's buff
Bunny - I did him, couldn't walk for a week, ee's a right Spank Wangler!!
George - I'ed do him!!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:07:50