Sparta High School
Hick school in Sparta, Wisconsin, also known as Spartard. Common extracurriculars include tobacco chewing, cow tipping, Wal Mart trips, and teenage pregnancy.
The football team is the pre-game show for the band.
The football team is the pre-game show for the band.
"Hey, I gradumacated from Sparta High School!! I'm edumacated now!!"
Sparta High School
A place that is however you take it. Annoying? Annoying. Awesome? Awesome. tiring? VERY TIRING.
Also a lot of gay kids hiding, UwU.
Also rich jerks.
Also a lot of gay kids hiding, UwU.
Also rich jerks.
Jimmy. You went to Sparta High School?
Jammy: Yep it was dope I met a lot of LGBT kids but there was an overwhelming amount of rich jerks and guys who obsessed over their hair.
Jammy: Yep it was dope I met a lot of LGBT kids but there was an overwhelming amount of rich jerks and guys who obsessed over their hair.