

俚语 speed bumped


Run over by a car in a way that whatever is run over goes underneath the car and is run over by the tires, causing the car to bump up and down. Just like driving over a speed bump.
A UPS truck speedbumped by neighbors' cat last week.


A variation of the bump and grind which results in accidental or "accidental" penetration...aka sex on a dance floor.
Joe: "So dude, how was the party last night?"

Dan: "Man, it was awesome, me and Kelly were grinding all night and then....we started speedbumping."

Joe: "No way man! Nice!"


When one quickly slides the head of his erect penis back-and-forth through his partner’s anal sphincter. Reasonable facsimiles of this would be when the partner’s mouth or vagina is used.
When Harvey finished speedbumping his girl, there was some tomato skin stuck to his dick.


A line of either Ritalin or Adderall that you blow... makes you speedy!
Guy 1: Man, I have so much work to do tonight.

Guy 2: Don't sweat it, buddy. Just do a speedbump, you'll get it done in no time.


A person whom from a distance appears attractive but upon further inspection turns out to be ugly.

The term is derived from the motion in which you would drive over a speed bump. You slow down to check out said person and upon discovering how unattractive they really are you resume speed and continue on course.

The opposite of a Stopsign
Two young men walking together -
Joe: Yo, that girl is phat to death.
Rick: Yeah, lemme catch up to her before I try to holla.
"Rick and Joe catch up and continue to walk past"
Joe: Speedbump?
Rick: Totally.


when u have quickie wit a bird
guy:famz i heard u n rasheeda wuz goin all night,son
2nd:nah B,it was just a speedbump


An imaginary disease associated with being extremely annoyed or frustrated by speed bumps
Person 1: Ugh, those speed bumps are SO annoying!
Person 2: Looks like someone has a case of speedbumpitis..




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