

俚语 berken


The blood Prince! A strong minded yet soft individual, who will care until the end, treat him well and you’ll be treated even better; but once angry stay away from his wrath you won’t like it, taking blood with him along the way!

With his super skills in bed you won’t want another.

A Berken is the man of your dreams if you find a Berken don’t lose him you’ll be sorry!
I wish I had a Berken to spend the rest of my life with!
Berken is after blood.
I’m horny for a Berken


To go over the top with social media networks, ruining the internet for anyone involved.
"Ben is being such a Berken. He has been foursquar-ing so much I need to delete my account!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:25:21