

俚语 spellcheck

spell check

Something that most people on this site don't know even exists.
Wat is this spel chek? I no of no spel chek.

spell check

A system that makes sure what you are spelling is actually a word. The downside to this system is it doesn't think my last name is a word, and rudely draws a line below it, asking me to change it.
Dude #1: Hey, Dude #2, I was word processing a document about the presidency of Barrack Obama, and I had a problem!

Dude #2: Yeah, what is it this time?

Dude #1: I was doing fine with most of the paper, but each time I spelled Barrack Obama's name, spell check kept telling me I was spelling his last name wrong. Is his last name really "Obama"?

Dude #2: *sighs* Yes, I am positive. Shall I spell check you name, MORON?

spell check

the grammar nazi's hitler salute.
spell check!

spell check

1.Something that no one on this site has even thought about finding out if it exits.
2.A tool that is used to help a person's writing sound intelegent, by preventing grammar and spelling errors
3.See Strong Bad
Speal Cheek?? Whiet $%^& $@$% $#%# (%@* id thet? Wee donut kneed speal cheek. Eye speal prefect!

Spell Check

what people who post to this site seriously need to use before they shoot off about their topic.
"omg liek alein" is a sentence whose writer desperately needed to use Spell Check.

Freudian Spell Check

When spell check changes your word to the wrong word, but the wrong word is actually more appropriate.
I meant to text my friend that she should go to the U2 concert with me because it would be a "great" time. Spell check changed it to "grey" time. That Freudian Spell Check is pretty smart.

spell check rage

When spell check underlines your name or another word that is correct




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更新时间:2024/9/19 17:04:39