

俚语 spengy


Idiotic/stupid/dumb... The act of being a speng
Oi bruv stop being such a spengy melt boy


A word you use when unable to think of what you’re trying to say
So do you know when you....

I don’t even know

spengy meltboy

A complete and utter waste of space, a dumbass
Kanye West is a spengy meltboy

spengy melt

One who lacks the basic requirements to function as a human; mentally challenged; Tom Love
Did you see what Tom did in class today?

What a spengy melt

spengy meltboy

A fucking complete twat
Nathan Rushton was a spengy meltboy

The Spengi Hand

The Spengi Hand describes the act of a notorious lecher, who fiercly rubs his dirty unwashed hand at the mons veneris of an illuminated fat ugly girl. The Spengi Hand is mostly performed in public crowded places, such as bars or clubs, where the notorious lecher easily can find compliant attendees for his perverted craving.
Random drunk guy at a bar: What the fuck is this bald dude in the corner doing over there?
Another drunk guy: Hala tze gaha bu.

Random drunk guy: Are you a fucking retard? I don´t understand a fucking word.

The other guy: Sorry, I just ate a Biscotti Wiscotti. It´s hard to talk with it in the mouth. I think this guy is doing a The Spengi Hand.

Random drunk guy: O Lord The Spengi Hand! I´m sad now.
The other guy: Me too.

Spengy meltboy

A person that just does not deserve anything good because he is such an idiot.
"Yo, Jonathan is just such a fucking c*nt!"
"Init, he is a total spengy meltboy"




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