An Outdoor party, typically in the woods or park. Where there is a cooler filled with juice and alchohol. And some prick charges $5 a cup.
Did you go to the spody last friday.
A party, much like a keger, but instead of beer you drink and sell a mixture of alcohol and various juices. Every weekend night in Seattle. Mostly attended and thrown by high school age students. $5 a cup.
Want to hit up the Spodie at Rockspot on Friday?
A mixture of several kinds of alcohol, fruit juice, and cut up peices of fruit, that has formented over night so the fruit is more potent than the juice itselve. Spodie is usualy made in coolers, fishtanks, bathtubs, or brand new garbage cans. 2 parts liquer. 1 part (any)fruit, 1 part fruit juice. Do not refrigerate for at least 12 hours, then chill to serve. If made right you cannot taste the booze unless you eat the fruit.
(Ian) Did you bring the everclear for the spodie?
(Lisa) Yah, and I got some Jack & Gin to throw into the mix.
We are going to moose's house to get cruncked up on some spodie.
(Lisa) Yah, and I got some Jack & Gin to throw into the mix.
We are going to moose's house to get cruncked up on some spodie.
Pretty cool, slick, nice, awesome.
That 25th anniversary edition corvette is spody!
Man jizz
Biznitch whyz there a spodie stain on this here sheet!!!
Damn, fools spodie smelled like shiznit! I wont be swallowin that!
Damn, fools spodie smelled like shiznit! I wont be swallowin that!
Brodie, bro, brother, same thing, just a little more Slav.
“Aye spodie, grab me a naturday while you’re upstairs! My ears are ringing, need a drink!”
same as circle jerk, where last person to ejaculate eats what ever is being jerked off on
hey guys, lets have a spodie tonight, and we can video tape it.
the oval office is designed for playing spodie (when republicans are in office)
the oval office is designed for playing spodie (when republicans are in office)