

俚语 bertuzzi


the act of being an epic dildo when you think you're doing something justified and noble
waiter: this guy only tipped me 10% therefore i must murder him, his family and his friends.

chump: awesome, why don't you download some child porn while you're at it and make your bertuzzi complete.


Declared the best power forward in the NHL by peers, one who sticks up for a team mate, admits wrong doing and helped canucks from becoming obsolete
-steve moore had it coming when he gave Markus Naslund a concussion

-Even if steve was hit "fairly" as
opposed to being hit from behind, Bertuzzi would still own his ass silly

-step down tyson, Bertuzzi can beat the shit out of anyone

-one of the few giants that can puck handle and score


verb. a) To work with one hand/arm while simultaneously fending someone off with the other.

b) to almost kill someone
"I Bertuzzied Cheryl at work yesterday"
"You almost killed her?"
"No, I worked with one hand/arm while simultaneously fending her off with the other."
"Oh. You should go to jail."


to maul; take out
i got bertuzzied last night in the mosh pit.


Quite simply the best power forward in the game right now. He combines finesse with brute strength, and talent with grit. He's got it all, he can score or set up a pretty goal or lay a clean hit to change the momentum of a game and isn't afraid to crash the net.

He's a good guy with a family and kids that contributes to charity like all the Canucks, he stood up for his team mate, best friend and captain and made a mistake like all we all do; he has more than paid for his.

Any team would be lucky to have a player like Todd on their team. He's one of the most popular(he led all western conference vote getters for the 03/04 season) and hated players in the league (either jealous or afraid). Arguably one of the most exciting players as well; when he and linemate Naslund click, they're unstoppable.
I love Todd Bertuzzi, he's an amazing hockey player.


To cause one to lose the use of legs.
I could walk fine until Bertuzzi bertuzzied me from behind.


To prolong ones golfing season and hope no one gets injured.
I was about to swing and it wasn't my fault you stepped in the way of the club and cracked your head open.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:46:00