

俚语 sporks


What happens when a spoon and fork love each other very much.
The fork and the spoon were in the draw for a few weeks and when I opened it, it was full of sporks.


Little plastic utensil; rounded like a spoon only with tiny spikes. Found in most 'ready to eat' pasta pots, fruit salads etc.
Stove thought that the word 'Spork' related to a structure found on a bicycle wheel. It doesn't though; Stove was wrong.


A position for sexual intercourse in which a couple lie on their sides, spooning, while the male’s (large spoon) penis is inserted into his partner’s (small spoon) vagina or anus.
1. Ben and I were so tired after a long day of hiking that we just sporked and fell asleep.

2. Did you know that many older couples spork as a way to maintain a healthy sex life without risking the potential injury that comes with more active sexual positions?


1.) the act of spooning while your erect penis is inserted. This involves no motion, just a one simple thrust and you are sporking.

2.) a laying down hug with a motionless inserted penis.

3.) spooning with a fully inserted erection.
I had a raging hard on but she didn't feel like boning...so I put it in and we just laid there and sporked.


The act of a man spooning a woman with a little bit of pork.
"Ughhh Gene, I woke up with Ryan spoonin me and I felt his boner in my back, he was sporkin the shit outta me."


1. Within the fandom community, "to spork" something means to parody or make fun of something, especially fanfiction.

2. A meaningless exclamation thrown haphazardly into sentences by your standard "random, hyper" fangirl who claims to be on a "sugar high."
"We sporked her story because she wrote a Mary-Sue."

"Spork!!! I'm being random today!"


Another word for transexual, it is a combination of spoon and fork just like a combination of a male and female.
son- Why is that man looking so weirdly at me daddy?

dad- Because, he is a spork son.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:12:12