

俚语 spot me

spot me

Slang for "lend me," as in money or other goods.
Hey, spot me some cash for dinner and I'll pay you back on Tuesday.

spot me

1. Used by weightlifters to ask someone to observe themself while lifting weights. The primary purpose of which is a safety measure in case the weightlifter is so tired that the weight will fall on him causing bodily injury.
2. To ask someone to lend you money.
1. Hey Bruce, after you oil up my muscles can you spot me while I lift?
2. Hey Bruce, I'm a little short on money. Can you sot me some cash for the hot tubs?

spot me

To give a person money when they are in need it is usually only a few dollars and does not need paying back.
Person A: yo im hungry spot me a few dollars.

Person B: not again your runnin me dry

spot me

When you've just got a haircut or new clothes that you want the other to notice.
go on, spot me!

Spot me a Tubby

Harriet Tubman is going to be on the $20 bill. When you need to borrow $20 from someone, you can just ask...can you spot me a Tubby?
Frank! I forgot my wallet. Can you spot me a Tubby?

spot on me

To Have Commited a Error in Judgement.
john: " I told you mike to take the freeway look at all this traffic"

Mike: " I know Spot on me"




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