

俚语 spotswood high school

Spotswood High School

Best high school in Rockingham county. Thou full of rude ass people that can't be happy for you. Like having your private information shared? Make a friend at SHS!
Spotswood High School is full of ungrateful people that can't be happy for you!

Spotswood High School

The best high school in the Rockingham County. Full of Awesome preps and jocks. Other people here are freaks on crack. We have a bunch of Mexican so if you're one come join i bet they'd love you!
If you're a mexican or a prep or a mexican prep or if you illegally sell crack you should go to Spotswood High School.

Spotswood High School

Spotswood is a school filled with a bunch of digenerate Mexican fags who juul and lost their virginity in 6th grade.
Kid one: Have you seen that Mexican?

Kid two: Yeah he looks like he went to Spotswood High School.

Spotswood High School

Best high school in Rockingham County. Full of ungrateful people that hate when people are finally happy. Want everyone to know your private business? Make a rude friend at SHS. These people wanna know who you fuck and everything...and blame shit on people cause they unhappy with their life.
People who attend Spotswood High School need a reality check....well open their dam eyes....




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:35:47