

俚语 spracking


Wasting time, the result of being easily distracted due to the use of methamphetaines (meth); fiddling around with or obsessing over insignificant, unimportant details for hours during, after or as a result of long-term or sustained meth use.
Jane did a fat line and sat down at the computer to learn the definition of the word "sprack" but after spracking around with her printer settings for two hours, still didn't know what "sprack" meant.


The adjective describing the intense high following the use of an illicit stimulant such as cocaine, or methamphetamine:seeglass.blow.
"im fucking spracked off that rail"


Slang for Methamphetamine. Originates from Orem-Provo area, Utah.
"Dave, after you're done slammin that shit, draw me up some sprack too."


the word used to describe the high you have when on cocaine, blow
holy shit, im so goddamn spracked right now. that was some goooood blow!~


The definition for "Sprack" is just another way to say, crank, meth, speed, or crystal.
Did you hook up any sprack?


The term, sprack is used in reference to speed. Speed, as in, crank or meth. Or when making up lines to snort, it's called a spracker.
Got any sprack, baby? I'm comin' down. C'mon, honey, set me up with a big, fat, spracker. Or, Do you wanna do a spracker?


when someone is so high on meth they cannot act normal.
Mike is spracked as fuck right now he took a hit off the pizzle and now he wont stop talking to himself.




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