

俚语 spring roll


A loving, yet morally ambigious, act whereby an individual is wrapped in a bedsheet (or any substance/material of malleable nature) thus appearing like a 'springroll'. The protruding feet are then tickled by another person.
Sister: It is time to springroll my brother


When having sexual relations with a 'plump' lady - you essentially get your rocks off by fucking her in between her fat 'rolls'. Quite a pleasant sensation.
"Dude - I can't believe you took that behemoth home last night! Gross!"

"Na bru, It was cool, I springrolled her - was a dream!"

The Springroll

A joint made of half weed and half blunt. The first half of the joint is the blunt the second half is weed.
We had half a blunt and a little weed so we rolled The Springroll


1. A compact food where the contents are usually a type of meat mixed with noodles and vegetables, nicely contained in a crunchy shell.
2. Someone who is a keener and generally considered "lame".
3. A "move" used during sexual intercourse
Springrolls are much better than eggrolls.

He stayed up all night studying, what a springroll.

...And then she did a springroll!

Springroll Butterfly

When your girl eats Chinese food and proceeds to fart in your mouth for 30 minutes while watching reruns of the Cosby Show.
New Yorker 1: "Yo, my girl deadass gave me a springroll butterfly last night. Shit was potent."
New Yorker 2: "Word? I deadass been tryna get my girl to do the same thing b".

Platinum Springroll

The act of a springroll...

- "When having sexual relations with a 'plump' lady - you essentially get your rocks off by fucking her in between her fat 'rolls'. Quite a pleasant sensation." -

... but performed on a 'platinum' blonde plump girl. Which is widely considered the best way to go when opting for the springroll route.
- Bro you won't believe who I springrolled the other night!


- Mary-Anne!

No way! So it was a Platinum Springroll then man!

- Damn straight!

springroll cunt

An Asian woman who is good to go. I.e ready for the D.
Jim: Oi Greg Chong over 'ere just splooshed everywhere.

Greg: You beauty. I didn't know Chong was a springroll cunt.




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