

俚语 squandered


Being extremely drunk/wasted/intoxicated.
"Oh man! I got so squandered last night!"


The condition of failing to take advantage of, losing a chance for, or spending extravagantly and wastefully (i.e. squandering).
A Porsche with an automatic?!? That's damn close to squanderance!!


Being reckless with or spending wastefully.
Joe is just squandering all his profits away at the casino!


To talk to your best friend while drunk and taking a piss.
Yo kyle, come squander with me.


in volleyball when you get a really awesome set from the setter and the hitter tips it over instead of smacking it to the floor
Laurie squandered the ball after Mary set a really good ball.


the bone above your ass crack
that squander of yours is by far the sharpest i have seen

The Great Squandering

The period during the first 10 years of the 21st Century when the United States and Western Europe experienced severe financial mismanagement, executed dubious Middle East military expeditions, and purchased goods from foreign countries with unbounded borrowed money.
"The Great Squandering focus on terrorism was sleight-of-hand distraction away from the economic threat of China. We've been fooled. And as long as American's continue to bask in the luxury of fighting against each other, there's an increasing probability that our great-grandchildren will be speaking Chinglish."




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