

俚语 squashie


When one's self finds that he/she wont make it to the toilet and sits down to camouflage the fact that they've shit themselves thus resulting in the faeces being squashed in the underwear.
You: man i'll never make it to the toilet.

Me: You're going to have to settle for a squashie my friend.


A nice, fat bottomed girl, one with a sweet behind.
'She's a squashy like Marilyn, I'd tap that'


A fat person. A chubby person. Somthing chubby. Somthing or someone squishy.
Example: A squishy dog.
How to pronounce: (Scwow-she)
That's a squashy dog.


A cool guy that sometimes smells like squash.
Man, Paul is such a Squashy!

Squishy Squashy

When an individual forms a hole into playdoh and/or silly putty and proceeds to have sexual intercourse with it.
Fred: "Hey, did you see where my playdoh went?"

Tom: "Yeah man.. Johnny used it for a squishy squashy"


A derogatory name for someone who plays squash.
Particularly those who are loud, needy, and snide.
There were a couple people playing squash today and acting like true squashies.


A person who has very sharp sunburn lines; they look like the sweet: squashies.
‘Mate you look like a squashie’
‘Yeah, I forgot to put suncream on at the beach’




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:57:28