

俚语 squeakles


A combination of squeak and giggle.Can be used when "kawaii" isn't enough.
1.You see a very cute picture or drawing,but you feel kawaii isn't the word,or you're not an anime fan


To play a tune by forcing out air through one's tightly pressed lips, resulting in a sound likened to an extremely high-pitched trumpet.
Would you squeakle "The Flight of the Bumblebee"?


A pussy bitch who is whipped and will do anything for his master including sucking her cock for her.
person one- yo wanna go smoke a blunt

person two- nah man im gonna go chill with my girl.

person one- man stop bein such a Squeakles u BITCHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The annoying noise made when a new marker is applied to a whiteboard.
When the professor started writing, the squeakling hurt our ears.


When a deadly kitten meows really loud, often wanting food or to escape from the house.
Person 1: what was that noise?

Person 2: oh it was just the squeakling.

squeakle morp

when you shove your head into 2 peices of bread and call yourself a sandwhich
im a squeakle morp rn




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