

俚语 squeemis


a word used to define the part of the body between an anus and a sexual organ
eww in that porn you can see that guys squeemis


To feel sick. To have a cold that was passed on to your weakened immune system because of too many nights spent out partying and too many early morning trying to get up to live your real life after said partying. Too feel smooshy inside when you should be feeling legit.
Dude Jeff totally gave me his cold, and now I feel really squeemy. I'm going to bed early tonight.


A term for a man who likes to take large amounts of items in the anus (likes fingers, cocks, toys, etc.)
John: Hey, y'know Kevin?
Marcus: Kevin J.?
John: Yeah, him. I heard he's a squeemy boy.


A greasy feeling in the anus. Associated with the sensation that you need to wipe your ass. But no matter how much you wipe the sensation still remains.
Damn... I've got the squeemy's so bad I've wiped my ass a hundred times and it still feels wet and greasy!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:33:57