

俚语 squicking


The practice one takes up when skullfucking becomes tedious. Skullfucking is the easiest of the two acts, as you only have to remove your partners eye to get somewhere to stick your thingy. A proper squicking requires you to trephine your partner (make a hole in your partners skull) and pork its brain this way. Aiming for the gap between the two hemispheres is said to provide you with firestorming orgasms.
Und tuh buscotini mosta umpotee cunder squicked mayee.

(And the {retarded babble} squicked me)


To skull fuck someone, not limited to the eye socket but any part of cranuim.
Squicking his bosses daughter right there in front of him was his revenge.
The bad man chisled a piece of her forehead away with a rusty screwdriver so he could squick her.(Warning: Squicking someone can kill them)


To insert your penis into the unformed part of a child's skull. Then to fuck it, until the child is fucked. A frowned-upon practice that is illegal in most countries.
"An aggravating factor in the burglary was the smearing of excrement on the walls and the squicking of little Timmy"


1. Noun. The physical sense of repulsion upon encountering a concept or situation one finds disgusting.
2. Noun. A situation or concept which engenders this reaction.
3. Verb, transitive. To cause someone to have this reaction.
4. Verb, intransitive. To experience this reaction.

The concept of the "squick" differs from the concept of "disgust" in that "squick" refers purely to the physical sensation of repulsion, and does not imply a moral component.

Stating that something is "disgusting" implies a judgement that it is bad or wrong. Stating that something "squicks you" is merely an observation of your reaction to it, but does not imply a judgement that such a thing is universally wrong.

The statement "kiddie porn squicks me" and "kiddie porn disgusts me" may both be true. In my case, the second sentence is true, and I assume that the first is also true, but, having never encountered it, I have no way of knowing for sure.

In general, distinguishing between "squick" and "disgust" is an important part of living in a tolerant society.

It is my contention that most anti-gay attitudes, for instance, are the result of people finding that gay sex squicks them -- and, because they don't know about the concept of the "squick", they assume that gay sex DISGUSTS them, which implies that there is something morally objectionable about it.
Joe loves hot wax, needles through sensitive parts of his body, cutting, and flogging -- but tickling? That squicks him.


Fanfiction/Fandom term. A pairing or situation that one finds utterly repulsive.
Kiddy porn squicks me in the worst way.


A term originated around 1994 in the alt.tasteless newsgroup as a response to the question "What is the sound of a good skull fucking?" The term was quickly picked up by the alt.fuck.the.skull.of.jesus group and used primarily within Subgenius circles as a verb meaning "To fuck someone in the skull." The term was co-opted by the BDSM community some time latter, and its original meaning is often overlooked or ignored.
It's not often that I get to squick, but since I've become a mortician it is much easier.


noun and verb. An instinctive revulsion to something, a combination of "squirm" and "ick". Used in BDSM subculture
You can whip her all night long and she'll ask for me, but belts squick her completely.




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