best effort
Working to one's ability, rather he or she fails or succeeds.
Put in your best effort.
best effort
giving your best effort is when you try your hardest.
mom: you got an F on this paper!
son: i tryed my hardest!
son: i tryed my hardest!
best effort
To make ones greatest attempt
Yo im going to make my best effort to save my money for a new car.
best effort
Giving all that you can in a given situation, but always failing to meet some one else's standards
Try as I may, my best effort was not good enough for my girl friend, so she left me, stupid cunt
best effort
good enough.
Was that your best effort?
Nope, but good enough.
Nope, but good enough.
best effort
No effort at all.
I'll make my best effort to meet this deadline.
best effort
what losers say they did when they "gave it their all." only in the lexicon on losers.
dad: yeah you lost the game and embrassed the family son, but you gave it your best effort...
son: i know dad, thanks.
dad hits son
son: i know dad, thanks.
dad hits son