

俚语 squiggle


When a married woman has such a strong sexual attraction to other males, it's noticeably observed. Typically white wives drawn to African-American males. She can't contain her sexual arousal and makes statements.
I noticed my wife had the squiggles, every time our young mailman come by.


Used to describe a female that enjoys participating in fellatious activities.
You see that squiggles over there? She gave me some bomb squigs!


Noun. A name referring to a special person that cares for you, watches out for you, and loves you.

Verb. Present-progressive form of Squiggles- or Squid-Wiggles
lol you are my Squiggles
-what is that?
look it up on Urban Dictionary


The Most Squiggliest Squiggles that ever Squiggled on the Squiggly planet that is Squigglesland.
To "OWN" ALL others is to be Squiggly. To own KOW PATT and Enduro| moreso.


your gay best friend that you don't know if he is actually gay. A common first name given to Squiggles is Jacob.
Your gay best friend may have several nicknames but this by far is the most truthful and gayest.
Wow, i ship Squiggles and Shit Waffle so much!


Term given to left over sand on you're feet after walking barefoot on the beach or other sandy areas.
Yo no squiggles in the car i just cleaned it.


cornrows w/ squiggles braided in them
the last time i had my hair braided i got squiggles




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