

俚语 squinkie


A squishy character, sometimes used as a pencil topper but often used as a fun toy that fits in your pocket.
Usually my child has trouble waiting in long lines, but today she pulled out a few squinkies from her pocket and played until the line ended.


a huggable lovable individual who really means the world to you; someone you cherish your time with
You're a squinky


1) When one is feeling unstable or is acting of a peculiar manner
2) The state one reaches from days of sleep deprevation or drug use.
“Oh man, did you see Lori before class today? She’s gone totally squinky”


A huggable lovable individual who really means the world to you; someone you cherish your time with (platonic)
RTGame is such a Squinky, really comes up with some Youtube ideas!


A loveable, huggable individual that really means the world to you; someone you cherish your time with (platonically)
Person 1: Do you want to cuddle and watch a movie together?
Person 2: Aw, you're such a squinky.




To reach a level of awesomeness that defies logic or rationale.

Syn. Stupid rad, *chefs kiss*-minded

To squink.

(May be used as a slur)
Sadie, you’re acting a bit squinky, dude, calm down.
Caroline’s kind of a squink, don’t you think?


Popeye & his father have a squinky eye all scrunched up.
Popeye: I'm your one and only exspring. See, we got the same bulgy arms.

Poopdeck Pappy: No resemblance.

Popeye: We-we got the same squinky eye.

Poopdeck Pappy: What squinky eye?

Popeye: That's going to be hard for you to see.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:02:32