

俚语 squiss


n. (skwi’ss) A small amount of urine remaining in the urethra after a good piss which if not fully squeezed out, may dribble into one’s underpants. This is also known as leopard spotting.

The unit of measurement for squiss is variable and should be calculated using a sliding scale of the sum of 1mL for every inch of girth plus 1mL for every inch of length, or x = 1mL(g) + 1mL(l). Exceed these parameters and squiss ceases to be squiss and you’ve actually just pissed yourself.
Brian: Dude, why you walking so funny?
Spencer: I got squiss running down my leg.
Joe: For you that must be like what, 3 quarts?
Spencer: Damn right.


A fancy, cutesy way to say a hug, or embrace, like you are getting squished or squeezed. Not to be confused to the insulting word 'squiss', this is a positive term, one that conveys love and affection. Can be done standing up, sitting down or lying down like spooning. One squiss can last anywhere from 1 second to minutes long.
"I want to squiss you"
"I'm feeling a bit blue I could use a nice squiss"


I personally derrived this one from the insult "squirrel" this one is a prissy squirrel. Some who say... punches you hard and is small then runs away and when you try and hit them they flip and a say things such as "dude what the fuck man" "what are you doing" "fuck off" A squiss is 50% Deuche bag and 50% squireel mixed together plus about 10% extra of bitch. (normall and small person)
when you go ask a squiss for some chips and they have 2 snack bags full and wont share one chip with anyone at all

SOmeone who punches you runs away and gets all pissed and squirrely when you hi them back


Squiss - or squissing - is explosive diarrhoea resulting from spicy food.
Person 1: "I can't eat kebabs. Last time I ate kebab, I squissed so hard my toilet shattered."

Person 2: "I don't blame you. My cousin squissed so hard his half liquidised intestines came out with his squiss and he died of toxic shock."


Squatting and pissing at the same time. Mainly done by inebriated females in bar parking lots, drive ways, bushes or near an IHOP, Waffle House or Denny's in the tri-state area.
"Look at that drunk ho squissing in my yard!"
"She got so drunk, she squissed on Dan's cat cause she thought it was a rug!"
"Hey baby, hold up cause I gotta squiss behind this tree."


Combination of squirt and piss.
Is squirt basically just urine?

IDK maybe squiss?




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