Stupid Spoiled Whore
Paris Hilton
Toys endorsed by Paris;
"Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset! Show The whole world what a slut you are!"
Toys endorsed by Paris;
"Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset! Show The whole world what a slut you are!"
Smoke Some Weed
hey dude wanna SSW?
yeah man for suree
yeah man for suree
Satans Sacrificial Waterfall (period, female version)
omg are you on your SSW ? you're acting moody!
shit, shower, wank
I’ll be on in a second gotta SSW
There’s BBW-big black woman and now there’s SSW-small skinny woman
I usually fuck thic bitches but her face is really pretty and she’s a SSW though
smoke some weed
hey bro i’m bout to ssw
SSW (Simp, Soy Boi, White Knight)
Simp, Soy Boi, White Knight. A collective and derogatory term for males (not men) who believe in "patriarchy" have T-shirts that say "This is what a feminist looks like", are the emotional tampon and ultimate friend-zone bench-warmer for any girl who rates over a 5 in attractiveness. These males will always come to the rescue of a physically attractive female regardless of how bad her behaviour is toward other people or him. The SSW thinks he can attract women by being "vulnerable, emotional, and kind". The SSW is the complete opposite of an Alpha male and is secretly detested by every woman.
SSW (Simp, Soy Boi, White Knight)
Damn dude, this forum is filled with SSW's who think they can get laid by defending every chick who is cheating on her boyfriend. Fucking pathetic.
Damn dude, this forum is filled with SSW's who think they can get laid by defending every chick who is cheating on her boyfriend. Fucking pathetic.