

俚语 stains


1. To steal something
2. To take something
1. Aye did you see joker’s crew hit a stain on that bank?
2. I’m about to stain Bears moneyline


To come up, rob someone
MAN 1: I just came up!
Man 2: You stained dude didn't you!


A person in your life you can't get rid of or deny knowing. Other aspects of your life are fine, but there lies a big old reminder and someone is always pointing it out. Every time you look at him/her, you wish your life was stain-free.
My sister-in-law is a stain.


Stain - noun

1. To be highly known and popular.

(Not to be confused with swag or swagger...)
Example 1:

Lisa: I was at the mall and everybody from them other high schools knew me and I didn't even know them!

Tonya: Damn. You must have hella stain.

Example 2:

Joseph: I got 55, 383 friends on Facebook, 22, 989 friends on Myspace, and 801, 116 followers on Twitter.

Xavier: You got that stain, bruh.


a name given to a pet dog just so when it gets loose you can scream "come stain"
damn dog jumped the fence again, i'll get him, "come stain"!


To have sex with someone. Used mostly by the African American race.
"Fam, I was bout to stain this bitch and my fuckin wifey called me!"


To stain yourself on another: To make an ass of yourself, under the influence of alcohol, to someone less drunk than you.

"Oh man, Ed was staining himself all over Kelly last night"




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