Bestovus is the day after Festivus. Just as Christmas is followed by Boxing Day, Festivus (the anti-Christmas) is followed by Bestovus (the anti-Boxing Day). While Festivus involves the "airing of the grievances" and "feats of strength", Bestovus smooths things over with those people we may have hurt the previous day. It is a day where we display the "best-of-us" by giving of ourselves - ironically a return to the original meaning of "Boxing Day". It is the first day of artificial and superficial niceness for the next 364 days, building up to the wonderful release next Festivus. As the opposite of the current orgiastic materialism and capitalism of Boxing Day, Bestovus is non-consumerist. This is consistent with the non-materialist symbol of Festivus - a bare aluminum pole. Festivus can actually be any day you want to have it making Bestovus similarly pliable, but the standard for Festivus is December 23rd so Bestovus would be December 24th.
I can't believe you would shop at Wal-Mart, especially on Bestovus!
Remember what I said about your ugly shoes yesterday? Since it's Bestovus, I take it all back.
Since it's Bestovus, I'll be working at the soup kitchen instead of redeeming my gift cards.
Remember what I said about your ugly shoes yesterday? Since it's Bestovus, I take it all back.
Since it's Bestovus, I'll be working at the soup kitchen instead of redeeming my gift cards.