verb - 1. To awaken a woman after a night of love making through the action of blasting the ass trumpet.
noun - 1. An individual who has the habit of consuming burritos / tacos prior to taking woman home from the bar and proceeding to wake them up through passing gas in the morning.
noun - 1. An individual who has the habit of consuming burritos / tacos prior to taking woman home from the bar and proceeding to wake them up through passing gas in the morning.
Girl 1: " That guy you brought home last night was so cute why don't you give him a call"
Girl 2: " I just cant work past the fact he stangalang'd me in the morning"
Girl 1: " That guy you brought home last night was so cute why don't you give him a call"
Girl 2: " I just cant work past the fact he stangalang'd me in the morning"
A funny way of calling someone an autist
Random person: I like fidget spinners
Me: Eww dude, you must be a stangalang
Me: Eww dude, you must be a stangalang