

俚语 stank wank

Stank wank

The act of masturbating while taking a dump.
Dude, I tried so hard to get my old lady to give me a blumpkin. She wouldn't go for it so I had to settle for a stank wank.

stank wank

An unusually smelling penis and and a little smelly in the testicle region. It resembles the smell of stank cooch, or a landfill.
Sarah: what the fuck is that horrible smell, is it my armpits?
Johnny: no, it's just my stank wank smelling up the room again.

stank wank

Masturbating or receiving a hand job, after just having anal sex.
Last night, Jane gave me a stank wank.

Stank and wank

The act of jacking off while taking a shit
couldn't jack off because my parents were home so I went to the bathroom for a stank and wank

Stank and Wank

After doing anal with your partner, you eject your penis and Jack off to finish the job
She told me to pull out of her booty so I had to do the stank and wank to finish off.

stank n' wank

When you plop on the porcelain throne and simultaneously shit and masturbate into the same pot. To conserve water? To be efficient? Hell if I know. Intent and order of operations do not matter. If there's fudge and gravy in the bowl, you just had a stank n' wank.
My last bowel movement got me going so I decided to have a stank n' wank instead.

Went to the latrine to pleasure myself, and was there so long I decided to stank n' wank to save myself another trip.

wank stank

Possessing the aroma that one typically associates with just having sex. However, this musky fragrance is achieved all by one’s self.
Knock on the bedroom door.

Door opens.

Dave - Hey bro, you wanna go get some food? I was thinking…Whoa, man! This room reeks of dirty sex! Did you just get some?

Steve - Nah, that’s just wank stank.

Dave - Dammit Steve, you need help!




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