

俚语 staplerred


the action of performing a drive-by style attack on coworkers in an office setting by rolling your chair past their cubicle and throwing large items such as staplers, hole punches, or paperweights at them to mark your turf or to intimidate them. can be accompanied by a terrifying battle cry or done by stealth attack.
dude, L just staplerred that new guy in the face! he's totally her bitch now!


Short range wepon usually found in offices
he attack me with the stapler


A tool used for shooting someone with small pieces of metal. To make this look unsuspicious, many children will use it to connect papers together. A sure way to annoy your teacher
Earlier today, a teacher handed out tests to all of her students. Moments later, an ambulance was called because of mulitple metal staples shot into the teacher's back from staplers found sitting in empty desks. No children were found.


a short range office weapon
if your boss comes in to your office and you have your stapler....


clingy bitches at woodport
this stapler (steph) wouldnt leave me alone when i getting crunk at woodport


Code word used amongst theater people in the Dallas, Texas area to identify stalkers. Primarily used with regards to jaded ex-lovers, unwanted crushes, and other such undesirables who refuse to cease contact. However, the term is also lovingly used in jest from time to time. Term originated in early 2011 from an unfortunate iPhone auto-correct incident.
"I totally just got a text from my stapler!"
"My stapler has resorted to late night drunken phone calls."
"You were fantastic! I'm your number one stapler."


From the movie "Office Space". Milton's prized Swingline. He obsessed about it and the possibility that management may take it.
Stapler- used to describe the act of lacking any common sense; describes the act of worrying about something trivial, usually applying to someone who you manage or supervise
"Stapler..um my..my.. stapler."; As I was walking by Michelle's cube, she snapped and got all "stapler" on me.




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