

俚语 star powered

Star Powered

Being Hit in The Balls with the head stock of a Guitar Hero Controller
Ahh Fuck Dude you just star powered me!

Star Power

The power of one's presence, either through endorsements, popularity or vote of confidence in said person that often lends itself to strongly influencing a certain decision or state of indecisiveness. In friend settings, the strength of one's star power is usually determined by how close and popular a particular friend is, in comparison to the strength they may have in persuading another individual's actions contrary to their initial thoughts.

The word's influence originated from the star power-up found in the Super Mario Kart games, in which upon collecting, would render the racer invincible and powerful for a few seconds. When the same mechanics are applied in a real-life setting, one who has star power has enough power to influence a particular decision for a particular moment in time, either short or long-term.
Luke was pretty indecisive about going; in fact, he said he wasn't going to go to the commencement. However, I was able to enlist the help of his friend, who used her star power to convince him that he should go because it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

My friends definitely told me that I should definitely put my star power to good use by helping them persuade one of my other friends to come along to the party.

I may not be that popular, but I think enough people know me enough that I can probably lend what little star power I have to get more votes in your favor for that student government position you've been running for.

Despite the amount of star power she carried in high school, it wasn't enough to get Desiree into the college she primarily chose to enroll in after graduation.

star power

a "power" used in guitar hero to rack up more points. It is useable when the blue bar is past the white line. You put into effect by lifting up your guitar until all of the notes turn blue.
I used star power to get more points in Guitar Hero II.

Star Power

When a female is giving head and then proceeds to put the penis and balls in her mouth, at the same time.
She totally star powered me last night!!

Star Power

Similiar to guitar hero, when a woman is about to climax during sex the guy then will lift her one leg up as if it were a guitar trying to get star power. He then will yell star power as loud as he can.
During sex the woman was soon to climax

Guy: Lifts up the right leg straight into the air and yells "Star Power" achieving greatness

star power

Once upon there was a group of 5 lesbian whores who decided they needed a moniker to legitimize their bullshit, rug-munching lives. In between pillowfight orgies and petty feuds, they have been know to occaisionally mate with vertically challenged coxswains and balless sophomores. Pretty lame.
Slut 1: "So oh my godddddd guyysssss, we're star power, like TOTES cool!"

Bitchtit 2: "I knowwww, hey since we're starrrr powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and all, do you guysss wannnnnaaaaaaa do it, right here right now?"


star power ready

In PlayStation2's GUITAR HERO, star power is ready after your meter has reached a certain level, allowing a bonus multipler until your star power runs out. This is activated by the words "STAR POWER READY!" cueing you to sweep your guitar vertically in typical rocker style, or you can wuss out and press select for the same effect.

In real life, a person will get ballsy after realizing or hearing from his buddies that if he's "star power ready"...carpe diem, rock star! Bonus confidence and self esteem!
Guy: There goes Melissa, man I've wanted to hit that for years!
Dude: Star power ready, homeslice.
Guy: Dude...I'm totally gonna go for it this time. My star power IS ready!!!
Dude: You rock!




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更新时间:2024/9/19 17:01:27