

俚语 status boner

status boner

sometimes referred to as "SB"; when someone is attracted to another person because of the title(s) that they hold
Remi: Wow, he's really hot.

Ryan: You just think he's hot because he's the captain of the lacrosse team.
Remi: I think you're right, total status boner.

Boner Status

When a girl is lookn hott as fuck and she is fuck-able material
1. Damn bro, girl is boner status

Boner Status

Noun; The status of your hard-on.
Boner Status is often abbreviated to B-Stat so that it may be used in a socially acceptable conversation.

Examples range from limp to raging. Boner Status can also be ranked on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the softest, and 10 being the hardest.
Guy 1: Yo what was your Boner Status after that date with Sally?

Guy 2: Eh, she wasn't that great. Id say my B-stat was around a 6.5.

Boner status

When something has reached the status of being awesome and/or causing a boner.
(During a night of drunken madness) Mackenzie, the cake you made is boner status!




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