

俚语 steak rape

steak rape

Getting a Vegetarian drunk and feeding them steak (or any other animal meat)
Bob took Sue on a date and steak raped her. She is not a vegetarian anymore.

steak raped

to take a girl out for a pricey dinner, pay for the whole thing, and then not only not get any nookie that night, but she doesnt respond to any of your texts or answer your phone calls
Me: Hey, dude, I took this chick out to Flemming's for a nice dinner that cost me over $100, and i didnt get any nookie at the end of the night.

Ryan: Dude that sucks

Me: Tell me about it! And since then she hasn't returned any of my texts or phone calls!

Ryan: Man, you got steak raped!

rape steak

A frat boy’s penis
I went to Steve’s party and he asked if I was hungry for rape steak. I was pretty rankled




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