

俚语 stealth bomb

Stealth Bomb

Deliberately taking action to sabotage the structural integrity and/or disease barrier effectiveness of condom during anal intercourse to willfully inseminate your partner without his/her consent.

Cutting, biting, removing, or otherwise damaging a condom prior to or during intercourse with the sole purpose of inseminating and/or infecting your sex partner without his or her knowledge.
I hooked up with this guy who insisted that I use a condom while having anal intercourse. I told him I that was HIV negative, so I decided to stealth bomb his ass half way through sex. He never suspected a thing.

Stealth Bomb

Noun: term for a fart when you are in a large crowd (20 people or more) and leave the longest and smelliest (possibly wet) fart of your life and run through the crowd so all suffer from it
1: dude I was in the airport the other day waiting to get on my plane when i dropped a stealth bomb.

2: Random girl: Oh my god! Someone just left a stealth bomb how gross! Random man: ew thats nasty! The culprit is long gone now though.

Stealth Bombing

Crafty office workers who use an alternative floor to go for a shite.
Hows it hanging John? I needed a massive shite this morning, but I went to the 4th floor to wreck those cunts in accounts bog instead of ours. I got in and out before anybody came in -it was quality Stealth Bombing.

Stealth Bombing

Insulting a certain individual without them ever finding out
"Damn Tiffany is such a Hitler Cunt" "Why are you stealth bombing on Tiffany so hard"

Stealth bomb

When you sneak into the bathroom at a party, and take a shit but do not flush. You discreetly and quietly exit and leave the party with haste, giving it time to fester and stink up the place.
I snuck into the Omega Delta kegger, and dropped a stealth bomb, and they didn't find it until 2 hours I left.

stealth bomb

when you go up to someone sleeping and drop a dingleberry on their face and walk away
I dropped the dirty stealth bomb on this guy at this party while he was sleeping

Stealth bombing

1)An act done whilst in the doggy position. When the giving partner is about to cum, he pulls out and makes a noise like an aeroplane. Confused, the recieving partner turns around just in time to recieve a face full of cum.
2)Done at a sleep over or similar event. Whilst someone is asleep, other people come and jizz in their face/ on their pillow.
I stealth bombed your mum last night!
We were stealth bombing Suzy.
We stealth bombed Adam at the party!




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