

俚语 steam tunnels

steam tunnels

Underground tunnels made to deliver heat (in the form of steam) from a central heating plant to multiple buildings. Commonly found on college campuses. Often retrofitted with wires to deliver electricity or telecommunications. Sometimes used by students or other adventurers for recreational purposes, see urban exploration.
We found an open hatch that led into the steam tunnels, and spent a few hours exploring the campus from underground.

steam tunnelling

The act of hot-boxing a partner's anus
Bitch was so fugly, I had to go steam tunnelling before I could fuck her.

Steam Tunneling

Farting under the covers and using a knee and elbow to direct the exhaust to your partners face when they are above the covers. Similar to a Dutch oven.
The best way to air out a fart in bed is by steam tunneling

Chinese Steam Tunnel

The act of deficating in someone elses anus
I totally Chinese Steam Tunneled that Elouise last night!




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