A movie trailer that dupes the audience by including clips that aren't in the final film.
trailer betray
trailer betray
E.G. Did you see that new Star Wars betrayler, it got me so pumped I can't wait to not see any of it on the big screen
When a trailer for a movie movie totally and clearly betrays the source material pissing of fans everywhere right and left and scaring away people from the original because it's soo shitty!
Basically like anything Uwe Boll made or anything similar.
Basically like anything Uwe Boll made or anything similar.
person a: Did you see that trailer for <insert title here>?
person b: yuck! yeah total fucking betrayler! fuck that shit!
I'm gonna re-read the book and pretend that shit was ever made!
person a: Yeah fucking sell out corporate dushturd holywood!
person b: yuck! yeah total fucking betrayler! fuck that shit!
I'm gonna re-read the book and pretend that shit was ever made!
person a: Yeah fucking sell out corporate dushturd holywood!