The way Nate the philosopher types his name on PlayStation.
Nate was on steriods when he made his gamer tag.
Like all drugs it was thought by many to solve a certain problem(In this case disatisfaction with muscle growth or strength).Then like all drugs people found out about the side effects and decided it was'nt worth it.
Larry went on steriods has a great body.The only problem is he only gets action from asian women.
A mispelling of "steroid" perpetrated by an Allied IC member.
Usually used by idiots and illiterate morons.
Usually used by idiots and illiterate morons.
That StuG is on steriods lolololol
East German Steriods
A Person\\Object That is extremely Strong, like Cosmically Strong.
Wow Hulk must be on East German Steriods
Steriods are often used as a medicine. They are the healthiest substances alive and in motion. Use them to level up yourself so you can max out. They are very healthy. It makes you masturbate faster and you're hand move softly.
Hey I used steriods today, Archie, IM MAXED OUT.