

俚语 sterling archer

Sterling Archer

Sterling Archer, AKA "Duchess", is all that is man. Not only is he the worlds best secret agent, but he is an accomplished cocksman. When he isn't saving the world or having sex with a beautiful women he is probably doing one of 11 things: Belittling his valet Woodhouse, telling Lana Cane to call Kenny Loggins because she's in the "Danger Zone", beating Pam with a dolphin, playing with an ocelot named Babou, referencing Bert Reynolds movies, attempting to include an air boat into his plans, using operational funds for personal expenses, drinking, saying "I swear to God I had something for this", buying turtlenecks, and answering his phone with the ringtone "MULATTO BUTTS!".
Man: Dude I just tapped this super hot chick and then threw her clothes out the window cause she couldn't poach me an egg.

Man#2: You totally just Sterling Archer'd her. Well done.

Sterling Archer

182 lb, 6'2", 36 years old, and is considered the world's most dangerous secret agent. Though he shows proficiency in stereotypical spy skills—weapons, driving, martial arts—his only real interest in the job is the opportunity to enjoy a jet-setting lifestyle full of sex, alcohol, fast cars and spy toys. A recurring joke of the show is Archer forgetting his pre-planned, witty one-liners, swearing "I had something for this" before saying something different. He also refuses to wear anything other than "tactical" turtlenecks during operations (he will take the time to change into one rather than immediately disarming a bomb), and claims he was the first to recognize the garment's tactical potential. Archer also has an intense fascination with the actor Burt Reynolds, often quoting famous lines and re-enacting scenes from Reynolds' many movies and asking Lana Kaneconstantly if he looks like Reynolds. Even though he's not the brightest person, rival agents admit that no one is better in the field than Archer. Because of this, Archer is equally likely to kill a room full of enemy agents as he is to accidentally cause an international disaster. He seems to have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of things which are completely irrelevant allowing him to make very witty references on a moment's notice (e.g. "Lana, you better call Kenny Loggins 'cause you're in the uh, Danger Zone!"). He was largely raised by his valet Woodhouse, whom he constantly belittles.
Sterling Archer - Just the tip.

Sterling Archer

To act in an amazing yet compleatly self serving manner that, allthought helps other people,was done FOR THE SOUL BENEFIT OF YOUR SELF (be it an act of verbal social skill, physical accumen or mental wit) Also known to be likened too "shit I had something for this!"

Also a term for going on a rampage where you silently and secretly eliminate every oppositional force in your way- WITHOUT drawing attention to your self. (LIKE : local police, federal crime investigators)
After a good fight
"I kicked his ass! Just like sterling archer would've!"

After getting off an arrest charge
"I so "Archered" my way outta the interrogation"

Sterling Archer

Sterling Archer is a arrogant narcissist,he is a self-absorbed character from Archer and he can be misogynistic at times
Cyril figgis: Lana, I just wanted to impress you as a Isis agent

Lana Kane: Cyril figgis,I like you because your'e different from Sterling Archer

Sterling Archer

Sterling Archer is a arrogant narcissist,he is a self-absorbed character from Archer and he can be misogynistic at times
Cyril figgis: Lana, I just wanted to impress you as a Isis agent

Lana Kane: Cyril figgis,I like you because your'e different from Sterling Archer




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