

俚语 steves


a girls name that is short for stevie. usually a hot babe with some kickass friends, she is often referred to as "creetan" or "Chuppie" short for chupacabra.
Steves is the best snitch in the world. I love that creetan!


A name for white people to call niggers in code language so they dont get shot, stabbed, raped, etc.
Calvin said to Travis, look at all these fuckin Steves we need to watch our backs

On Steve

A term used to take the place of on jesus or on god. Steve is Steve, don’t ask who he is.
Peter: Yo who’s steve bro?
Theo: On steve this dude trippin, Steve is Steve.


A wonderful loving man who makes you smile. A best friend and lover in one. Sometimes harsh but always knows what to say and how to say it. He inspires loyalty and devotion from those around him. The man who others rely on but at times he will need someone to rely on and when he does he always turns to the same person. A man of honor, strength and dignity. A soul mate and trusted friend. Once he claims your heart, you will never stop loving him.
yeah that's my best friend Steve.


main guy in minecraft
steve is mining diamonds


1. Best guy in the world
2. Sweet, cute, smart, nice, talented, amazing, K o G
3. One who knows how to make others smile
I feel like the luckiest person alive, because I have a Steve by my side.

No Steve

What you say to someone when they are good at what they do, but not as good as the best.
"NO SIR! You are definitely no Steve."




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