The 'Hated State' product of PR & Mass Mind-Manipulation Politics aka 'Covernance' - the LOWest of Human activities.
“Hatred and struggle – (excessive competition & psycho-sociopathic oppositionality) – are no more serviceable as principles of Life than collision is as a guiding principle in the journeys of the stars.”
- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944).
“Hatred and struggle – (excessive competition & psycho-sociopathic oppositionality) – are no more serviceable as principles of Life than collision is as a guiding principle in the journeys of the stars.”
- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944).
By the time 'Advertising' had finished with it, the proud ideal of Social Security had been rebranded "the Welfare Sthate" in Dominant Culture Narrative aka WhrightSpeak.