

俚语 sticked up

Sticked Up

To have/keep a gun on you.
Ex 1. Im sticked up my yute, don't test me!

Ex 2. Im sticked up like a blind man, please touch my balls

stick up

an armed robbery in which a gun is used to threaten people
A man with a gun tried to stick up my mother when I was a child.


it's a slang expression referring to larceny by threat of violence = robbery.
He was arrested on a charge of a stick-up.
Put ya hands up - it's a stick-up! (U-God - 'Stick-up')

Stick up

Your dick is pointing up; aroused
Bro I’m stick up right now just talking about it.

Stick up kid

One who stands around corners, blocks, and alleyways waiting to rob someone.
Man i was on Union street last night and them stick up kids was out.

stick up their butt

Someone who is particularistic, ridged, and not flexible. Not fun, cannot see humor, and overall, unpleasant.
They complained about that? They must have a stick up their butt.

Stick-up Boy

A person that robs drug dealers for a living. Someone who puts a gun to a drug dealer head and demands that he hand his stash and/or cash over.
Hoodrat#1:Yo! you heard about Omar robbin' Avon's men the other day?

Hoodrat#2: Omar who?

Hoodrat#1: That faggot ass stick-up boy!




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