

俚语 stick nigger

Stick nigger

A black bush negro, who inhabits forests, builds homes from sticks, beats other negroes and anally spikes them with sticks when punished.

He's known as the sticknigger, as everything he does is with sticks.
Black dirty wide eyed stick negro jumped out the bush, with a spear!
Them stick niggers should be skinned in the wood logger!

Stick Nigger

A game played by multiple people driving in a car, each person holding a stick. While driving, if a black person is spotted, someone will yell 'Stick Nigger' and throw the stick in an attempt to hit them. If the thrower hits the target, the car continues to drive. However if the thrower misses, then the car must stop and the thrower will retrieve the stick before moveing on.
I was playing Stick Nigger with my chums last night, we had a jolly olde time praying upon the minorities and lowering thier self esteme, Biitch!!

Stick Nigger

Stick Nigger a derogatory term used for Native Americans
That Stick Nigger was running around the woods like a dog

nigger stick

an object, usually a bat, used to beat niggers
When you go downtown, dont forget your nigger stick.

Nigger Stick

A metal or wooden stick used to put in windows to keep the niggers from stealing your belongings/money.
We have 3 windows in this place but only one has a nigger stick that will fit in it. We will need to but 2 more nigger sticks then.

nigger stick

commonly known as a nightstick, what racist cops call the blunt object they carry around (not the one on top of their neck)
got your gun? got your badge? got your nigger stick? let's go inflict some peace and justice.

Nigger Sticks

A term used instead of fiddle sticks, shit, crap or similar phrases.
Nigger sticks, I left the baby in the Van




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