

俚语 betto


Alternative form of bet
Person 1: "I'll be over in 15min with some pizza."
Person 2: "Betto!"


The most extroverted guy you’ll meet who always lights up the room when he walks in. He’s a player when he’s single, but the most loyal and attentive partner when he finds the one. He’s impossible to stay mad at with his positivity and bright smile. He is the one guy his friends would stick their hands in fire for, because of he’d rather eat shit than to turn on one of his own. He loves his family more than anything in the world, well, except for food. He is tall, has dark hair and eyes that can melt you. He is easy to fall in love with, and if the feeling is mutual, you’ll be the luckiest and happiest person to ever exist. He is understanding and caring, “has a heart of gold” as some people might say. Once you find your Betto, don’t let go.
Betto is a synonym for happiness


Something that is better than ghetto quality. Nothing special, but it isn't jankity.
"Hey man, did you see that crappy car?"
"Yeah, it's not too bad. It's pretty betto."


a guy who acts like a bitch but is also ghetto
"man this fool acts straight like a betto"


When you are with your partner and you puke and fart at the same time.
So I was out with this girl and this bitch did a betto.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:33:44