

俚语 sticky pudding

Sticky pudding

When you cum every where in the shower and get cum on your leg but don’t realise until you get to school and your leg hair is all sticky and tangled up in knots
What’s that on your leg? Oh Um (looking around nervously) just sticky pudding cunt

Sticky Toffee Pudding

When you enjaculate onto your pubes and it gets all sticky and sets.
OMG, I got sticky toffee pudding last night so bad!

Sticky toffee pudding

Where a man comes into a woman's belly button, then either he,- or another person who is involved in a threesome - sucks it out and swallows it.
Mate, after our light lunch i was still hungry so me, Shelly and Dave went back to my house and had a sticky toffee pudding

sticky date pudding

Offering your friend your partners 'sticky date' after ejaculating into/onto their anus. Commonly known as 'sloppy seconds'.
Damn, that sticky date pudding was the shit




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