

俚语 stiltskin


When part or all of a wooden match has burned away, this is what remains. Due to its brittle and disappointing nature, the word can be used as a metaphor for uselessness and surprised disappointment.
"There's nothing left in this matchbox but a bunch of stiltskins!"
"His legs looked like two stiltskins..."
"The iPad is about as useful as a stiltskin."

Dumple Stiltskin

When you attatch a pair of stilts to your feet (Must be 3 feet or longer) and take a dump on somebodys head. Best if done to an unsuspecting victim.
I once saw Manute Bol Dumple Stiltskin on a man's head... WITH NO STILTS!!!

grundle stiltskin

The process of putting on stilts and tea bagging a person standing up.
Alyshia was so drunk she got dizzy when she laid down so Bobby had her stand up so he could give her a grundle stiltskin she would never forget.

rumple stiltskin

the act of placing the testicles in a hig powered vacumn cleaner causing extreme damage to the scrotum
his girlfriend performed a rumple stiltskin on him after she found out he had herpes.

grundle stiltskin

The art of putting on stilts and tea bagging another person.
My girlfriend was laying in bed because her head was spinning from the vodka she drank so I had to have her stand up to give her the grundle stiltskin she would never forget.

Rumpled Stiltskin

The guy who gives oral sex on the street corner
oh look theres rumpled stiltskin giving bradley lowery some oral sex

the rumple stiltskin

when an old man with a limp, crinkly old penis has sex with a sheep, and then watches his wife masterbate to the tape of it
yo old man funston and his girl rumple stiltskined our sheep!




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