Stinkwick: (n) Armpit hair(s ) OR the wooden dowel(s) that are part of aromatherapy diffusers.
I need to trim my stinkwick.
A stinkwick is a wooden dowel in an aromatherapy diffuser OR can also be armpit hairs.
This evening I may need to either trim or moisten my stinkwicks.
Please excuse me while I trim my stinkwicks.
A stinkwick can be an armpit hair (or other hair) or a little stick that stands in oil with the intent to distribute scent.
A stinkwick is a wooden dowel in an aromatherapy diffuser OR can also be armpit hairs.
This evening I may need to either trim or moisten my stinkwicks.
Please excuse me while I trim my stinkwicks.
A stinkwick can be an armpit hair (or other hair) or a little stick that stands in oil with the intent to distribute scent.