

俚语 stock market

Stock market

The fastest way to gain money and lose money.
You buy then sell then buy then sell then profit from it or lose money.
Then etc.
Successful Guy: I made billions of dollars every single day on the stock market.
Unsuccessful guy: I lost a lot of money.
Unsuccessful guys friend: What! You spent all my money and lost them?

stock market

A good way how to waste thousands of dollars if you don't know what you are doing.
I would never want to put a lot of money in the stock market

Stock Market

A girl who has the potential to be cute, but is not quite there yet, so one invests and acts nice to her in the hopes that when she is cute they can cash out and bang her
Man 1: That girl over there seems cute but shes a little chubby
Man 2: She's a stock market, be nice to her now so she will think your a "good guy" later when shes hot
Man 1: Ah gotcha invest now, cash out later

stock market

One of the best computer games ever invented. Involves lots of strategy, but luck also. Numerous strategy guides have been written.
Yeah, Halo can be fun, but you really have to try the stock market.

If IGN rated the stock market, they would give it at least a 9.8 out of 10.

stock market

the greatest thing on earth. you own shares of companies and buy -low sell-high to make a profit.
I'm addicted to the stock market.

stock market

The lottery for rich people. Evil Republicans think we should put all of our retirement money into it. That way, we can work until we're 90 years old, because the stock market sucks up your money and doesn't give any back.
Putting Social Security into the stock market would be like taking your entire life savings to Las Vegas.

stock market

the fastest way to lose money
John: I tried my hands at stock market today.
Jane: That explains missing money from our account.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:52:35