

俚语 stoobes


n. a goofball. also, someone who fucks up alot. an idiot
sometimes don can be a total stoobes, i hate him


Stoned, unmotivated, idiot, boring, fiend, clumsy, greedy, selfish, unsociable, silly, lazy friend/person.

But also a word which can be used for lot of different things'.
Stop been such a fuckin "stoob" and come out with your friends' you paranoid blazer.
Playing a poker machine, you loose all your money "hitting the machine" you fuckin stoob.
Your stoner friend is doing something so simple and basic yet he cant help but been so clumsy and -re(Short for retard)', "such a stoob".

Your blazed out friend says something he thinks is quite funny', eeeeeerrr, shaking your head, laughing at his pointless remarks, "fuckin stoob".
Waiting over-time for pizza to be delivered "where and what the fuck are these stoobs doing with our pizza".


A very old lady that has boobs sagging to her stomach. Stomach + Boobs = Stoobs.
Tommy: Look at that old lady!
Katie: I know! Just look at her stoobs.
Tommy: They are so gross.


An extremely attractive individual, this person tends to be very funny and athletic and is often associated with a 1940's WWII era haircut. He makes the same jokes consistently,with increasing success, and is the envy of adult male and female alike
That Stoob won the state championship and stole my girl


good quality,
that watch is stoob!


The act of stooping down, resting your elbows on your knees while smoking a joint (doob), or any other marijuana related substance. In some smaller circles also used for cigarettes.
"Hey dude, do you mind stoobing over the ash tray? This is a new couch..."


The act of fucking an old school gluestick. The ones with the spiral down the centre.
Man, i was all up in her face so she grabbed the glue and stoobed me.




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