

俚语 stop playing

stop playing

when a guy/girl needs to stop messing around with someone & just go out with them already.
john needs to stop playing & date sarah already.

stop playing

Typically used by black people when they want someone to stop messing about
John: look behind you, a dinosaur!

Black guy: stop playing bro

Stop Play

Revoking of a "Player's Card" or keepin one off of "Pimp Status" for bitch moves like tending to the girl's/guy's every demand.
Stop Play! You actually begged her to stay the night?

stop playing krunker

Lots of middle school kids play krunker.io, but some don't want it. So they say it.
Dammit, brogan stop playing krunker!

Stop playing with me in the comments

Stop trying me; dont play me; don’t do me;
Girl “stop playing with me in the comments” I’m not the one to be played with

stop playing with my top

When someone is talking about you or accusing you of doing or liking stuff you do not like or do
Man dude you know I don’t like that rapper stop playing with my top

Stop playing weapons drawn

What pip star should do
There’s is every reason to stop playing weapons drawn




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